Thursday, March 4, 2010

Are we living in State of Fear?

We are living in fear. We don’t know what will happen in future. The world I suffering from bad time right now. People are living in fear in different prospective. We are threatening by terrorism acts also, but this is not going to be forever. Some day terrorism will end. The only thing that is not going to end is global warming and its effects. The earth quake in Haiti, Chile and Japan make a loss of money and thousand of life. No one is caring about the Global warming. Scientist are collecting data, graph, statistics just for their record only, no one is interested on those boring data, graphs. Etc. If all human being are concerned about the global warming than no one should be suffer in future. But people do not have time to think about global warming. They are busy with their problems. Our small act can also make a big difference. If we are determine than we can stop from growing it.

State of Fear

Michael Crichton is concern about global warming. He made several educated people to be his mouthpiece about Global warming. As being Kenner mouth piece of Crichton, he has not done really well on it. Kenner spends lots of time in saying the facts and statistics data about global warming. He has mentioned some environmental change also but when there was a challenged in front of him then he said that he hasn’t informed properly. He accused other when he was most needed. In my opinion to be a perfect speaker we should first be excellent in that field and say something about it. Kenner was pretending that he was really concern about global warming but he did not have any idea about it. Global warming is not a history or some type of thing that happens ones. It is changeable sometimes heat, sometimes really cold. Human doesn’t know what will happen tomorrow. In the state of Fear there was only talking about Global warming. Not a single character was concern about act that could help to reduce global warming.